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How to grow cards
These simple grow your own cards help you get the best from your organic garden. They cover Vegetables, Edible Flowers, Fruit, Herbs and Green Manures. Each card is set out with growing instructions, growing calendar and key facts & figures to improve your growing success. An explanatory Key Card and Glossary are also provided.
4 Artichoke Globe
5 Artichoke Jerusalem
6 Asparagus
7 Asparagus Pea
8 Aubergine
9 Bean Broad
10 Bean French
11 Bean Runner
9 Bean Broad
13 Broccoli Sprouting
14 Brussels Sprouts
15 Cabbage Chinese
15 Cabbage Chinese
16 Cabbage Spring
17 Cabbage Summer and Autumn
18 Cabbage Winter and Savoy
19 Calabrese
20 Carrot
21 Cauliflower
22 Celery
24 Chickpeas
23 Chicory
25 Chillies and peppers
26 Courgette and Marrow
28 Cucumber Greenhouse
29 Dudi
27 Fenugreek
30 Garlic
33 Haloon
34 Kale
31 Kohl Rabi
32 Leaf Beet
36 Leek
37 Lettuce
35 Mushroom
38 Okra
40 Onion Bulb
41 Onion Salad
39 Parsnip
42 Pea
44 Pepper
43 Potato
45 Pumpkin and Squashes
46 Radish
47 Rocket
48 Salad Autumn and Winter
49 Salad Oriental
50 Salad Spring and Summer
51 Salsify and Scorzonera
52 Seakale
53 Seed Sprouts
54 Shallot
55 Shark Fin Melon
56 Spinach Annual
57 Swede
58 Sweetcorn
59 Sweet Potato
60 Tomato Indoor
61 Tomato Outdoor
62 Turnip
63 Apple
64 Blackberry and Hybrid Berry
65 Blackcurrant
66 Blueberry
67 Gooseberry
68 Grape Dessert
69 Melon
70 Pear
71 Plum
72 Raspberry
73 Red and Whitecurrant
74 Rhubarb
75 Strawberry
76 Balm Lemon
77 Basil
78 Bay
79 Chervil
80 Chives
81 Clover
82 Coriander
83 Dill
84 Fennel
85 Marjoram
86 Mint
87 Parsley
88 Rosemary
89 Sage
90 Sorrel
91 Tarragon
92 Thyme
Edible flowers
93 Borage
94 Marigold English Pot
95 Marigold French
96 Nasturtium
97 Sweet Violet
Green manures
98 Field beans
99 Hungarian grazing rye
100 Mustard
101 Phacelia
102 Winter tares Vetch