Group learning about gardening

Workshops and Tours

Learn hands-on organic growing practices from the organic experts. Get started with the principles of organic gardening or develop your skills and knowledge. See our workshop list below.


Date range
  1. Soil information pack
    • Local Events

    North London Organic Gardeners - The Answer Lies in Soil

  2. Hands with soil
    • Soil
    • Gardening and growing

    Organic Basics: Soil Health+ Gardeners Q&A - Thurs 10th October (pay as you feel)

    Chris Collins will walk you through the basics of soil health, showing you how to maintain and improve your veg beds and borders. Entry to the talk is by donation at the end of the talk.

  3. Apple on apple tree
    • Fruit
    • General gardening

    Fruit Pruning for Healthy Trees - Weds 27th November

    Join Elaine Goold for this online talk to learn how to prune apple and pear trees.

  4. Growing space
    • Vegetables and herbs

    Planning your growing space online course

    Successful organic growing is all about good planning. In this course you will learn how to plan your plot organically, with a focus on crop rotation, preventing pests and diseases, maximising harvests and planning for the year ahead.

  5. Wooden compost bins at Ryton gardens
    • Composting

    Introduction to composting online course

    Compost is the grower’s black gold and at the heart of all organic growing. This course will introduce you to the composting process and help you to create great compost – the organic way.

  6. Comfrey Bocking 14 plant
    • Gardening and growing

    Principles of Organic Gardening online course

    The Principles of Organic Gardening course provides an introduction to the five core principles of organic growing, how to identify them and how to put them into practice in your own growing space.

  7. Image of peat bog
    • Soil

    For Peat's Sake online course

    We’re here to help you kick the peat habit and be peat-free, and proud! It’s not difficult, and in this free short course we’ll cover everything you need to know for successful peat-free growing.