Agroecology - what is it? and why should we support it?

He writes "At the heart of agroecology is the idea that agro-ecosystems should mimic the biodiversity levels and functioning of natural ecosystems .... it also harnesses natural processes to control pests and build soil fertility." It is fundamentally organic.
He goes on to say "But the idea that growing food.... does not require the use of synthetic pesticides is particularly worrying for the pesticide industry and its share holders, (it) could close down their markets." Hence the "extremely well-funded corporate PR machine which ensures that any negative information about the public health and environmental impacts of pesticides is minimised, ridiculed or dismissed as unscientific."
This same industry peddles the myth that we need their products to feed the growing world population. But we know that we already produce enough food for this and future generations - it is waste, war and politics that actually prevent successful distribution.
Pimbert quotes the heartening statistic that agroecological farming, if adopted worldwide, would produce approx 3000 calories per person per day, compared to the current figure under agrichemical farming of 2786 calories pppd.
We urge you to read Pimbert's article. It is well researched and informative - and underlines the compelling argument for organic farming worldwide.