Calling all Cumbrian Composters!

Garden Organic, the national charity for organic growing, is thrilled to be expanding its nationally recognised volunteer Master Composter programme in Cumbria thanks to funding from Cumbria County Council. The Master Composter programme is part of the council’s strategy to reduce the burden of waste from the county, by teaching more people how to compost their own waste at home.
Master Composters Cumbria at event

The Master Composter programme works by training up volunteer ‘Master Composters’ who then go out into their local community, to events, community groups and schools to pass on their knowledge to others.

Due to the expansion of the project, Garden Organic are looking to find more enthusiastic local volunteers across the county. Being a compost expert is not essential to get involved! Volunteer Master Composters will be fully trained, provided with ongoing support, and become part of a network of like-minded individuals. This is a fantastic opportunity to increase your own knowledge, spread the compost message in your local community and encourage more people to start composting at home.

If you’ve got spare time on your hands then we’d love to have you onboard!

Volunteer training will be taking place on Friday 12th October 2018 in Whitehaven and Saturday 13th October 2018 in Kendal.

For more information contact Garden Organic’s Project Officers in Cumbria,

Liz Sutton - [email protected] or 07584 583803

Or Emma Lynch – [email protected] or 07752 216975