A woolly welcome at Gardeners' World Live

We're bringing organic gardening advice to the Wool Pots Pot Swap at Gardeners' World Live on 13-16 June.
You’ll be able to swap plastic pots, from plants bought at the show, for eco-friendly woolly alternatives. Find us on stand F4 inside the floral marquee.
Why wool pots?
500 million plastic plant pots are sent to landfill in the UK every year because they are not recyclable. And farmers are burning wool because they have no viable market for their fleeces. With these two challenges in mind Wool Pots created a zero waste alternative to plastic pots, made from wool!
Just like a normal pot, you can fill a wool pot with compost and plant your seeds or cuttings. When the plant is big enough to plant out in your garden just dig a hole and pop the whole plant in. The pot will naturally biodegrade and is a natural slug and snail deterrent to boot.

About the show
Gardeners' World Live will take place at Birmingham NEC from June 13-16, and is bursting with gardening advice and inspiration, lovely plants to buy and a new urban gardening area.
Our head of organic horticulture Chris Collins will also be hosting the Get Growing Stage, with a daily programme of growing advice from experts.
Find out more about the show and book here.