Plan ahead to beat those January blues

Well, in the cold dark days of winter, now is the time to create that fruitful bliss. Because these are the months for bare root planting. Raspberries, quinces, plums – as well as the popular apples and pears – are all available for planting and holding that promise of summer.
Bare root plants don’t come in pots. They come with roots bare of soil, ready to plant immediately. Not only is it cheaper, but probably a better way to get your fruit tree or bush established. They tend to have a healthier root system than those grown in pots (where the roots can get constricted), and they are much easier to move around during planting. The only drawback is that you must plant as soon as they arrive – if necessary putting them in a temporary bed while you prepare the planting hole. This is called ‘heeling in’.
Bare root fruit trees are available now, from the Organic Gardening Catalogue. Treat yourself to that most tasty of apples the James Grieve. And surely you can squeeze in some raspberries, black currants and the wonderfully named, Chuckleberry.
See here for advice on how to plant your fruit tree or bush, – roll on summer!
Thank you to NCP photography for these beautiful images.