‘Recipe for Regeneration’ International Compost Awareness Week 2022

International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) is the largest and most comprehensive education initiative of the organics recycling industry. It is celebrated in many countries throughout the world annually during the first week of May. Starting in Canada over twenty-five years ago, ICAW has continued to grow as more people, businesses, municipalities, schools, and organisations recognise the importance of organics recycling and compost use.
This year, the annual week-long event runs from 1st May – 7th May. During the week, thousands of volunteers worldwide will hold educational activities working together to get the word out about the many benefits of recycling organics and the importance of returning organic matter – compost – back to our soils. ‘Recipe for Regeneration: Compost’ is the theme for ICAW 2022. This year we are focussing on the crucial role of recycling our food waste and garden trimmings to create homemade compost, which in turn helps promote soil health.
Compost adds carbon back into the soil, storing carbon in soils, promoting water conservation, slowing down soil erosion and closes the loop by avoiding the loss of valuable organic resources. This fantastic resource provides an ecologically responsible option for managing our organic residuals from garden composting, community composting, on-farm composting, and large-scale organics recycling.
Now more than ever, the world is waking up to the importance of compost, and how it can create not only healthy, nutrient-rich soils but also be an ecologically responsible option for managing organic waste from our homes.
We are proud to be the official UK partner for International Compost Awareness Week. Through our dedicated team of trainers, advisors, coordinators and our countrywide network of passionate volunteers, we are doing all we can to promote the importance of home composting. This year we are excited to be hosting events up and down the country, both online and offline and we’d love for you to join us:
Introduction to composting
Self-guided learning
Compost is the grower’s black gold and is at the heart of all organic growing. Our course, put together by our experts, will introduce you to the composting process and help you to create great compost – the organic way. More information and sign-up here.
For Peat’s Sake (Free course)
Self-guided learning
We’re here to help you kick the peat habit and be peat-free, and proud! It’s not difficult, and in this free short course, we’ll cover everything you need to know for successful peat-free growing. More information and sign-up here.
Compostable Packaging
Webinar: Wednesday 4th May 7pm – 8pm
The latest research from the SIMBIO Project.
More information and sign-up
A nature-friendly approach to gardening
Webinar: Wednesday 4th May 7.30pm – 8.30pm
Garden Organic will be joining partners at Cumbria Action for Sustainability to deliver a webinar on a nature-friendly approach to gardening.
More information and sign-up
Introduction to Home Composting
Webinar: Thursday 5th May 7pm
Learn the basics of what you can and can't compost, what type of compost bin might be suitable for you and where to site it. Find out about common composting problems and how to resolve them. Reduce waste, and produce a nutrient-rich resource for your garden, using kitchen scraps and garden waste.
More information and sign-up
Local events
Compost Corner Action Day
Saturday 1st May 10am – 12 noon
Stevens Street Allotments, Steven Street, Market Harborough, LE16 9BB
Composting Teas and Liquid Feeds
Wednesday 4th May 10.30am – 12 noon
Stokes Wood Allotment, Stokes Drive, Leicester, LE3 9BR
Composting for beginners
Saturday 7th May 10.30am – 12 noon
Stokes Wood Allotment, Stokes Drive, Leicester, LE3 9BR
Eaton Eco Fair - Master Composters
Saturday 7th May 10am – 12 noon
The aim of the event is to inspire, inform and equip the local community regarding eco matters.
St. Andrews Church, 41 Church Lane, Eaton, Norwich, NR4 6NW.
Waste Warriors
Saturday 7th May 12pm – 5pm
Baldock EcoFest, Baldock, North Hertfordshire
Master Composters Training
Saturday 7th May 2pm – 4pm
St Hugh's Church, Granville St, Market Harborough, LE16 9HF
Burbage Common Open Day
Sunday 8th May 10.30am - 4.30pm
Burbage Common, Leicester Road, Hinckley, LE10 3DD
Community Composting
A new Composting in the Community Network has formed with a mission to inspire and enable individuals and communities to help tackle the climate crisis and improve health and wellbeing through composting. The network aims to: Offer support and assistance to existing groups composting in a community setting and those wishing to start a new one, Facilitate the exchange of ideas and information, including peer support, and Campaign for greater understanding and recognition of the value of composting.
Throughout the week Bisley Community Composting Scheme in Gloucestershire will be hosting Composting sessions for Nailsworth Scouts. Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will visit the site and hear all about the importance of composting and how they can start turning their vegetable and garden waste into a valuable resource at home. Find out more about the Bisley Community Composting Scheme here.
Join the movement
We're recruiting - Find out how you can become a Master Composter today, either by requesting more information from The Sustainable Communities Team via email
[email protected] or following this link.
We'll also be sharing tips and advice, such as how to go peat-free in your garden throughout the week - so don't miss out! Follow us on social media to find out how you can get involved.