The Organic Gardening Podcast - a gorgeous November episode

Did you know the carder bee attracts females with a bright yellow moustache? That the hairy footed flower bee gently strokes his mate with his legs when they come together. And that there are more than 250 different types of solitary bee – who are quite different to the well-known single species honeybee. Chris enjoys chatting with bee specialist, Jean Vernon, who reveals fascinating facts about these tiny busy creatures. She explains how we can effectively support these important creatures in our own growing area.
COP 26 and climate change are very much with us. Chris and Sarah are joined by Kim Stoddart (known to Garden Organic members as editor of The Organic Way) to discuss what we as organic gardeners can do to mitigate climate emergency.
And finally, our postbag includes questions on when to plant garlic, what is safe to add to the compost heap and what to do with the potting mix when emptying your summer garden pots.
Voted Podcast of the Year by the Gardening Media Guild, The Organic Gardening Podcast is an entertaining, thoughtful and practical guide to organic growing. Tune in and subscribe via your usual podcast provider (Apple Podcasts, Spotify etc) or download here.