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Sustainable communities

Working in partnership with North Somerset Local Authority

Our collaboration with North Somerset council, offered an online composting course for local residents who were also offered subsidised compost bins as part of the ‘Let’s get down to earth’ waste reduction campaign.
Emma adding to compost heap
The project helped to build knowledge and confidence among those new to home composting.

Amongst a number of new online learning initiatives that Garden Organic has trialled, our collaboration with a number of local authorities has proved particularly successful. We are proud to have increased home composting with an online ‘Introduction to composting course’ and accompanying webinars, again utilising Moodle.

The first of these collaborations, with North Somerset council, offered an online composting course using a ‘guest access’ model, and live webinar training sessions, free at the point of entry for local residents who were also offered subsidised compost bins as part of the ‘Let’s get down to earth’ waste reduction campaign.

The project was short listed at both the 2021 Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee (LARAC), and Awards for Excellence waste and recycling awards, and received positive feedback about the impact of the courses on their composting skills and confidence.

The local authority campaign team experienced an unprecedented rise in resident demand of their subsidised compost bins in 2021, with Garden Organic’s online courses providing an important support element in helping to build knowledge and confidence among those new to home composting.