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Common weeds

Identify common weeds

Knowing about a weed’s habit, biology, persistence & spread will help you to keep on top of it. Here is detailed information on more than 100 individual weeds, from dandelion to creeping buttercup, bindweed and ground elder.


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    Ribwort plantain

    Ribwort plantain is a common perennial weed of arable fields and grassland, widespread throughout the UK on a range of soils. It is a common roadside plant.

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    Rosebay willowherb

    Rosebay willowherb is an erect, rhizomatous, perennial, native on waste ground, embankments, rocky places, mountain scree and open woodland throughout the UK.

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    An aromatic perennial with a branching rootstock, mugwort is native in waste places, waysides and hedgerows. It is common throughout lowland Britain and is tolerant of a wide range of soil types and pH

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    Common sorrel

    Common sorrel is an erect perennial, native in a wide range of grassy places including grass leys. It is found in open woodland, woodland rides and edges, in maritime and river shingle, and on mountain ledges.

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    Selfheal is a native perennial found in grassland, lawns, wood clearings, field margins and rough ground. It is abundant in grassy places except the most acid. It is sometimes an aggressive weed in short or open turf.

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    Sheep's sorrel

    Sheep’s sorrel is a perennial plant native in open ground, short grassland and cultivated land mostly on acid, sandy soils throughout Britain. It is infrequent on calcareous soils.

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    Common ragwort

    Common ragwort is a weed of wasteland and pasture that occurs in every county in the UK. The natural habitat is sand dunes but it is prevalent on light, low fertility soils and on grassland that is overgrazed.

  1. Close up of common nettle
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    Common nettle

    A rhizomatous to stoloniferous perennial, common nettle is abundant and generally distributed in the UK and is recorded up to 2,700 ft. It is native on riverbanks and in hedgerows, grassy places, near buildings and where the ground is littered with rubble.

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    Thyme-leaved speedwell

    Thyme-leaved speedwell is a common native perennial. The subspecies serpyllifolia is found on waste and cultivated land, paths, lawns, open grassland and woodland rides throughout the UK. It is a common weed on light soils and is often abundant on chalk.

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    Wild radish

    Wild radish is an annual or biennial weed that occurs on cultivated and rough ground, waste places and tips. It is a troublesome weed, especially of non-calcareous soils.