North West

Cumbria Organic Gardeners and Farmers

Contact details

Lesley Theobald

Hopper Cottage,

Eastgate Bank,


NE43 7LS
[email protected]

Frequency and location

Our group meets most months.

Information for beginners

Our group is suitable for beginners.

Subscription information

Our annual subscription is £7.50/household

Other information

We have a membership of approximately 110 households, located over a fairly large area, mainly in North Cumbria. Our meetings include garden small-holding and allotment visits, a seed swap, social events and talks, held in a range of places mainly round North Cumbria. We take part each year in events such as Carlisle Gardening Clubs' plant sale and a National Trust Apple Day. We produce a quarterly newsletter which contains up to date information about our events and practical advice which reflects local knowledge of organic growing in Cumbria. We send copies to local libraries and a copy is sent to Garden Organic.