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Latest news, blogs and updates from Garden Organic.


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  1. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Wildlife gardening

    UK Butterfly Emergency Declared

    Big Butterfly Count results reveal lowest numbers on record and calls on Government to declare a ‘Nature Emergency’.

  2. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.

    Chris Collins on…organic lawns

    Our head of organic horticulture shares some nifty tricks for achieving a beautiful lawn that’s also good for nature

  3. Angelica

    Hold on to your heads

    We show you how a simple seedhead can bring structure, sustenance and sustainability to your autumn and winter garden

  4. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Volunteering opportunities
    • Waste

    Become a waste buster in Worcestershire!

    We have exciting opportunities for volunteering on the Let’s Waste Less Worcestershire campaign to help local people reduce waste.

  5. Allium leaf miner
    • Citizen Science

    Allium leaf miner survey results

    Our recent survey of allium leaf miner gives an interesting overview of the spread of the pest across the UK.

  6. Ladybird on a Nasturtium leaf
    • Wildlife gardening

    Make Your Garden Matter this Organic September

    We’re encouraging you to take small organic steps in your garden to encourage wildlife and increase biodiversity this month

  7. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Podcast

    Organic Gardening Podcast - August

    In this month's Organic Gardening Podcast we chat to Nick Mole from Pesticide Action Network (PAN UK) about why pesticides should be banned in urban areas.

  8. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Vegetables and herbs
    • Wildlife gardening

    Four ways to boost allotment biodiversity

    This year’s National Allotment Week is celebrating biodiversity on UK allotments. Here, we share some ways to stem biodiversity loss on your plot.

  9. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Wildlife gardening

    Where are all the butterflies?

    Leading wildlife charity Butterfly Conservation has revealed very low numbers of butterflies have been spotted so far in its annual Big Butterfly Count.

  10. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Vegetable growing

    Chris Collins on…the joy of allotments

    This National Allotment Week, Chris will be celebrating all that his vegetable plot has to offer – including plenty of wildlife