Bocking 14 Comfrey growing at Ryton

Members experiments volunteer

Garden Organic members are invited to take part in a number of experiments each year, the outcomes of which play an important part in informing the way we growing organically today.
Find out more about how you can take part in our Members' Experiments and what we're investigating this year.

About 🔗

Each year we organise several citizen science experiments that our members can participate in, carrying them out at home and sending in their results to us to collate and analyse.

Experiments vary in complexity and time required, from more involved experiments trying out a new crop to a simple online survey.

Common themes include growing novel crops, comparisons of varieties, gardening techniques, and wildlife surveys.

We collate your results and publish the findings in our magazine, The Organic Way. We may also present them at conferences, or they could be used in the development of more detailed research studies.

Jars of soil for members experiment
Experiments cover a range of things from testing soil health to boosting populations of natural helpers.

Benefits 🔗

We send out the instructions you need to participate, seeds (where appropriate) and record sheets, so you can carry out the experiment in your own growing area.

Person 🔗

This role will suit people who:

  • Have experience and knowledge of organic gardening and their own growing space.
  • Enjoy contributing to a collection of knowledge.
  • Have a careful and consistent approach to work.
  • Are happy collecting and recording data.
  • Have good communication and listening skills.

Activities 🔗

Find out which experiments we're recruiting for this year.

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Take part in members' experiments

Find out more about which things we are investigating this year and how you can take part.