We're recruiting for volunteers in Shropshire & Norfolk

We're recruiting in Shropshire & Norfolk for composting & gardening enthusiasts to join our Master Composter & Master Gardener programme. Become part of a friendly network of volunteers and deliver workshops at schools, talks to local groups and give advice at events.
Master Composters stood smiling in Garden Organic Uniform

Shropshire Master Composters

Shropshire Master Composters is a new programme in partnership with Veolia & Shropshire Council and we are currently recruiting volunteers to become Master Composters to support us in delivering workshops at schools, talks to local groups and giving advice at events.

Your training will include:

  • Free compost training - you don’t need to be an expert.
  • Ongoing volunteer support and local network of like-minded volunteers.
  • Spread the compost message in your local community and encourage more people to start composting at home.
  • Master Composters generally undertake around 30 hours of volunteering each year

Training is free and covers the basic elements of home composting and related environmental issues.

Training will take place on Saturday 28th September 2019 at Shropshire Wildlife Trust’s The Cut Visitor Centre, Shrewsbury, 193 Abbey Foregate, SY2 6AH

To find out more about joining the scheme please contact Rachel Phillips-Street at Garden Organic on [email protected] or 07584 343 846

Breckland and West Norfolk Master Gardeners

Breckland and West Norfolk Master Gardeners are recruiting for volunteers to be part of their Growing Communities Project - working with, encouraging and supporting people to grow their own food.

A Master Gardener is a flexible volunteer role (30 hours/year) with active support and resources from your local co-ordinator.

You’ll be getting hands on with:

  • Offering free food growing advice to Breckland and West Norfolk residents and community groups
  • Raise awareness of the benefits of growing your own food
  • Encourage, support and advise people to grow at home or on communal land

Training will take place on Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th September in Swaffham.

To find out more about the role or to book your place please contact Becky your Growing Communities Co-ordinator on [email protected] or 07454 509692.

You can read more about becomng a Master Composter or Master Gardener here.