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Sustainable communities

The Rye Hill Garden Project

This programme was to provide an environment to support offenders and assist their recovery, wider health and well-being.

Aim of the project

The aim of The Rye Hill Garden Project programme was to provide an environment to support offenders who have a background of drug misuse, with the aim of assisting their recovery, wider health and well-being. However, this model could be applied to other institutions and target groups.

The Rye Hill Garden Project was delivered by Garden Organic’s Master Gardener programme team, in conjunction with Substance Misuse Services (SMS) and G4S, which operates the prison, and is funded by Public Health England (Northamptonshire).

Prison Garden at Rye Hill
Researchers found that the garden provided a supportive environment and was conducive to addressing participants’ health and wellbeing.

Outcomes of the project

The project was recently evaluated by Coventry University and the report found that the data overwhelmingly identified the significance of working in the garden to participants’ recovering journey and illustrated the relationship between the environment and recovery.

Researchers found that the garden provided a supportive environment and was conducive to addressing participants’ health and wellbeing and created a sense of community between both offenders and the staff delivering the programme.

You can download a copy of the Coventry University’s report An Horticultural Intervention with Substance Misusing Prisoners here. See: (Rye Hill Prison Garden Project - Coventry University report)

Feedback from prisoners

I find the whole experience extremely positive and helpful in lots of ways. The most prominent factor is the freedom. It’s fantastic for me to get off the wing; it feels to me as though I’m working outside of the jail.

— Prisoner on Rye Hill Garden project

I find the whole experience extremely positive and helpful in lots of ways. The most prominent factor is the freedom. It’s fantastic for me to get off the wing; it feels to me as though I’m working outside of the jail.

— Prisoner on Rye Hill Garden project

Work is rewarding. We can taste what we’re growing. I’ve never done gardening before this prison. I didn’t know I liked it, but I love it.

— Prisoner on Rye Hill Garden project

For more information

To find out more about our projects what else Garden Organic can offer you, please contact a member of the team
Telephone: 024 7630 3517
Email: [email protected]