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Who we are

Rhiannon Davies

I have an interest in charities who focus on finding solutions to climate change and the environmental crisis.

But Garden Organic also resonates with me due to my, and my young son’s love of gardening at home - though we are enthusiastic amateurs!

I have a strong background in senior Communications and Marketing roles for not-for-profit organisations, and I'm a digital leader with experience leading change and building productive teams. I've worked with a number of environmentally focused charities including Groundwork UK, Sustrans, Bristol Energy (green NFP start up), and the Soil Association.

I believe embracing digital can lead to opportunities and innovation which, put simply, can increase impact and income. I'm keen to use my experience, skills and energy to help unlock the potential of digital for Garden Organic.

I've been a board member for a small charity, having previously held the position of Secretary on the board of trustees for IDEAL, a Bristol-based charity tackling homelessness and addiction.

Rhiannon Davies