Adam Alexander is a documentary producer of a number of food and gardening programmes. Horticulturist and for the last 30 years a seed collector with a library of over 500 rare, endangered, local, and heirloom vegetable varieties.



Mobile number:

07860 646613


[email protected]


Vegging Out With Adam

Adam grows in the region of 70 different vegetable varieties every year to supply seed to libraries, collectors, and people keen to conserve genetic food pant diversity. Adam's talks are entertaining and informative. He always brings along a selection of seeds from his library to share with those keen to try unusual and delicious varieties and to encourage us all to save and share more vegetable seeds.

Talk topics:

1. Gardens of the Mekong - an illustrated talk about one of Adam's seed-hunting trips along the Mekong in Laos. 2. Seed Saving made Simple - an illustrated and hands-on talk and demonstration on all aspects of seed saving. The talk shows that saving seed is both easy and highly rewarding, requiring the minimum of equipment and knowledge.

Region: MidlandsSouth WestWales

Fee band: £101 - 200

Equipment required:

a projection screen, projector stand or small table and extension lead