Make 2017 the year you master your organic garden!

However, we know it can also be bewildering, overwhelming and sometimes downright heartbreaking. We've all wondered why something that grows so well in a neighbours garden is a complete flop the ours, and who hasn't opened the curtains to find slug-adeggon has hit your brassicas while you've been sleeping?
Many think that gardening is down to greenfingers and good luck, but it take it from us - armed with the right tools and information everyone can be a successful and productive organic grower.
Over the past 60 years we have been trying new techniques, practicing existing ones and sharing our knowledge with our members and supporters through lots of different ways, including courses.
For 2017 we have taken some of our most popular and highly-regarded courses, and combined them with some fantastic new ones - addressing problems that you've told us you encounter. Below are the details of all our courses this year, if there are any that spark your interest simply click on the title to read more.
Unless otherwise stated, courses are held at Ryton Organic Gardens, and include free entry to explore the gardens - so you can see the methods you're learning about put into practice. Pre-booking is essential, but we can normally squeeze a few more people in if you only find out about a course at the very last minute!
- Practical Pruning - 25th January
- Successful Spuds - 31st January
- Organic Veg Growing & Planning - 8th February
- Growing Unusual Brassicas - 2nd March
- Attract Wildlife to your Garden - 16th March
- Introduction to Organic Veg Growing (includes seasonal activity) - 13th April
- Pest and Disease Management in Organic Food Crops - 20th April
- Composting - the Cornerstone of Organic Gardening - 10th May
- Soil Health - 7th June
- Organic Veg Growing & Planning (includes seasonal activity) - 15th June
- Wonderful Wormeries - 27th June
- Composting - the Alternative Methods - 12th July
- Attracting Wildlife to your Garden - 20th July
- Growing Winter Veg - 3rd August
- Cutting Edge Veg - 22nd August
- Introduction to Seed Saving - 7th September
- Introduction to Organic Veg Growing with seasonal activity - 14th September
- Next Steps in Seed Saving - 12th October
- Planning your Organic Garden - 16th November
- Make your own Natural Christmas Decorations - 7th December
Phew - it's going to be a busy year! We hope you can join us.
Thank you to NCP Photography for this lovely image of tomato Orange Bougoin.