Growing calendar
Sow indoors Feb - Mar
Plant out/transplant Mid May - Jun
Harvest Aug - Sep

How to grow okra

Before sowing okra seed, soak it in warm water for two hours to help germinations.

Sow seed 1cm deep in pots then transplant into a larger pot in a greenhouse (preferable) or outdoors in a sheltered site.

Water okra plants in dry weather and mulch to conserve moisture. Stake taller plants and remove the growing tips of fast-growing shoots to encourage

Harvesting okra

Regularly cut okra pods for a continuous supply. Pick pods when they're young (2-10cm long) as older okra pods can become stringy. Okra pods are easily bruised so handle gently!

Growing notes
Difficulty Trickier
Germination time 15 days
Average time to harvest From 24 weeks
Equipment needed Stakes, twine, mulch (eg compost)
Average plant size 150cm tall, 60cm wide
Family group Miscellaneous
Key nutritional content Folate, vitamin C, fibre, calcium, vitamin A.
Seed saving notes Annual, can cross pollinate